Grasshopper Tutorials: Basics |
3D Dot Grid
Basic tutorial to demonstrate cross-referencing data Key components: Series, Cross Reference Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Simple Mirrored Line Pattern
Basic tutorial for simple mirrored line pattern Key components: Series, Cull Pattern, Weave, Construct Point, PolyLine Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Generative Algorithms] by Zubin Khabazi Download zip file |
Space Frame from Surface
Tutorial for building space frame based on a surface Key components: Divide Domain(2D), Isotrim, Deconstruct Brep, Evaluate Surface, MD Slider Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Box Morphing on Surface
Tutorial for twisted box morphing algorithm Key components: Divide Domain(2D), Box Morph Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Point Attractor
Tutorial for point attractor on a dot grid Key components: Key components: Distance, Minimum, Bounds,Construct Domain, Remap Numbers Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Hexagonal Attractor
Tutorial for curve attractor on a hexagonal grid Key components: Key components: Hexagonal, Curve Closest Point, Vector 2Pt, CNR Circle Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Grasshopper Primer Third Edition] by Mode Lab Download zip file |
Rotating Panels
Tutorial for basic transformation with rotating roof panels Key components: Evaluate Surface, Amplitude, Series, Graft, Rotate Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Attractor Panels
Tutorial for rotating roof panels controlled by an attractor point, continued from [Rotating Panels] tutorial Key components: Distance, Expression, Maximum Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Turning Torso
Tutorial to create Calatrava's Turning Torso, with combination of basic transformations and data extraction Key components: Move, Rotate Axis, Deconstruct Brep, Split, List Item Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Split Surface
Tutorial for data tree & list manipulation Key components: Divide Surface, Graph Mapper, Flatten, Graft, Shift List, Sub List, Merge Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Grasshopper Tutorials: Techniques |
Tutorial to introduce techniques for triangulation Key component: 4Point Surface Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Image Sampler Skin
Tutorial for creating complex skin based on data extracted from an image Key components: Surface Closest Point, Image Sampler Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Bowstring Truss Wall
Tutorial for developing complex structure from a curve Key components: Perp Frames, Plane | Plane, Sub List, Weave, Simplify, Path Mapper Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Delaunay Voronoi Tessellation
Tutorial for converting an image to delaunay voronoi tessellation Key components: Populate 2D, Image Sampler, Random, Voronoi, Delaunay Edges Difficulty: difficult Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from by Hyungsoo Kim Download zip file |
Vector Field
Basic tutorial for vector field charged by a set of points Key components: Hexagonal, Point Charge, Merge Fields, Field Line Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Download zip file |
Line and Vector Forces
Simple tutorial for pattern of lines deformed by charged points Key components: Filed Vector, Point Charge, Merge Fields, Field Line Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Download zip file |
Basic tutorial for IsoVist component Key components: Key components: Populate 2D, Plane Origin, IsoVist Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Download zip file |
Koch Curve
Tutorial for simple recursion using HoopSnake add-on Key components: Shatter, Cull Item, HoopSnake Difficulty: intermediate Required add-on: HoopSnake from Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [AAD_Algorithms-Aided Design] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Diffuse Limited Aggregation
Tutorial for growing structure using HoopSnake add-on Key components: Populate 2D, Curve CP, Vector 2P, HoopSnake Difficulty: intermediate Required add-on: HoopSnake from Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Generative Landscapes Download zip file |
Random Distribution with Attractor Tutorial for controlling random factors Key components:Shatter, Partition, Sift, Combine, Dispatch, Random, Larger Than Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Generative Landscapes Download zip file |
3D Voronoi Frame
Tutorial for 3D Voronoi component using Weaverbird mesh add-on Key components: Populate 3D, Voronoi 3D, Smaller Than, Cull Pattern, Wb's Picture Frame Difficulty: intermediate Required add-on: Weaverbird from Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Download zip file |
Panel Tessellation
Tutorial for panel tessellation using LunchBox add-on Key components: Triangle Panel B, Evaluate Curve, 4Point Surface Difficulty: easy Required add-on: LunchBox from Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [AAD_Algorithms-Aided Design] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Mesh Smoothing
Tutorial for mesh smoothing using Weaverbird add-on, continued from [Triangulation] tutorial Key components: Remap Numbers, Bounds, Mesh Surface, Wb's Split Triangles Subdivision, Wb's Join Meshes and Weld, Wb's Catmull-Clark Subdivision Difficulty: difficult Required add-on: Weaverbird from Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [AAD_Algorithms-Aided Design] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Terrain with Random Height Buildings
Tutorial for building digital site model Key components: Divide Length, Project, Deconstruct Point, Sort Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Download zip file |
Contour from Image
Tutorial for creating a set of contour from an image Key components: Divide Surface, Imager Sampler, Surface from Grid, Contour Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from Generative Landscapes Download zip file |
Creating Cutting Base
Tutorial for creating cutting base drawing for physical model Key components: Vector 2P, Brep | Plane Section, Offset Difficulty: intermediate Tested version: Rhino 5 SR9 + GH 0.9.0076 Based on a tutorial from [AAD_Algorithms-Aided Design] by Arturo Tedeschi Download zip file |
Grasshopper Tutorials: Add-Ons |
Kangaroo_Simple Catenary Cable
Tutorial to introduce techniques for triangulation Key component: Shatter, Catenary, Springs, Unary Force, Kangaroo Required add-on: Kangaroo from Difficulty: easy Tested version: Rhino 5 + GH 0.9.0076 + Kangaroo 0.099 Download zip file |
Kangaroo_Hexagonal Pavillion
Tutorial to introduce techniques for triangulation Key component: Polygon, Subdivide Triangle, Polar Array, Deconstruct Brep, Springs, Unary Force, Kangaroo Difficulty: intermediate Required add-on: Kangaroo, LunchBox from Tested version: Rhino 5 + GH 0.9.0076 + Kangaroo 0.099 Download zip file |
LadyBug_Environmental Analysis
Tutorial to introduce techniques for triangulation Key component: Bunch of components from LadyBug Difficulty: difficult Required add-on: GhPython, LadyBug from Tested version: Rhino 5 + GH 0.9.0076 + LadyBug 0.0.62 Download zip file |